Brochures & PDFs

  • Entdeckerkarte Cover 2022
    Geopark Explorer Map (German)

    With the Geopark Explorer Map you can discover and experience the Swabian Alb in a completely new way. It sharpens your eye for the geological treasures of the Alb. The map is available free of charge at the 28 Geopark info  centres (if in stock).

  • Hoehlen Forscherkarte Cover 2022
    Cave Explorer Map (German)

    With exciting stories, the cave explorer map invites families and children in particular to explore the twelve show caves and the visitor mine in the Geopark. The map is available at the caves and the mine (if in stock).

  • Flyer Geopark Schule 400px200
    Flyer Geopark School (German)

    What is the idea behind the Geopark School? And why is the UNESCO Geopark an important partner in the field of education for sustainable development?

  • Flyer Geopark Schule Bewerbung 400px200
    Application Geopark School (German)

    We are looking for Geopark schools! Requirement: the school must be located in the area of the UNESCO Geopark Swabian Alb. Reed more about the application in our flyer.

  • Thumbnail engl Webseite v2
    Brochure Geoparks in Germany

    This joint brochure presents all German national and UNESCO Geoparks. It is an impressive reflection of the shared wealth of geological history, landscape and nature in Germany. The brochure can be ordered free of charge here. -> ePaper

  • UNESCO Geopark Swabian EN 400px300
    Brochure Swabian Alb UNESCO Global Geopark and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (English)

    The UNESCO brochure portrays the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb and clarifies its tasks and goals.

  • UNESCO Geoparks EN 400x300 2024 v2
    Brochure UNESCO Global Geoparks - From geological heritage to a sustainable future (English)

    This UNESCO brochure presents six German UNESCO Geoparks and their potential for sustainable development. Your learn how geology shapes our past and future.

  • EGN Magazine 19 2022
    European Geoparks Magazine (English)

    Here is the latest issue of the European Geoparks Magazine with exciting reports from all over Europe. The Swabian Alb Geopark can be found on page 23!

  • Geoparks and Oceans June 2022
    Geoparks and Oceans (English)

    The publication "Geoparks & Oceans" by GGN (Global Network of UNESCO Global Geoparks) on the topic of the sea and biodiversity on this earth. The contribution of the Swabian Alb Geopark can be found on page 19. It deals with the Jurassic Sea, its biodiversity and fossil witnesses we can study today such as ammonites, belemnites, fish dinosaurs, corals and sponges.

  • Geoparks VolcanicAreas
    Geoparks in Volcanic Areas in Europe (English)

    This publication highlights the volcanic heritage of UNESCO Global Geoparks in Europe. Our contribution "The Swabian Volcano" can be found on pages 42/43.

  • GGN Geodiversity October 2022
    Geodiversity in UNESCO Global Geoparks (English)

    In this publication by GGN, the wonderful geodiversity of the Earth's Geoparks is presented. The portrait of the Swabian Alb can be found on page 40.

  • Going Green 2023
    Geoparks Going Green

    Harmony with nature is a central goal of the international community of global geoparks. This publication was born on the occasion of the "Day of Mother Earth", which is celebrated every year on April 22.