16 Jul 2024

fielddays for UNESCO re-certification

For three exciting days, the Swabian Jura was the setting for the re-certification as a UNESCO Global Geopark! Every 4 years, the latest developments on site are assessed by inspectors from other geoparks. Together with Sigurður Sigursveinsson from Iceland and José Maria Barrera from Spain, we visited various geopoints and facilities in the Geopark. The support we received from our network partners was fantastic and impressed not only us, but also our experienced inspectors. A big thank you to all those who spared no effort to present their projects in English to our two guests from Iceland and Spain with our goals in mind.

Our tour took us from the south-west to the north-east of the Swabian Swabian Alb and included the following stops, among others: The the Hohle Fels in Schelklingen and the Blautopf (both geopoints), the Panoramatherme and the open-air museum in Beuren (both Geopark information centres), the sulphur springs in Bad Sebastiansweiler (Geopoint), the Sonnenluger School (Geopark School) in Mengen, the Danube seepage in the district of Tuttlingen, our information centre in the House of Nature in Beuron, in the middle of the Upper Danube Nature Park and the Erratic Block, also a Geopoint, near Sigmaringen. On the third day, we visited the explorhino Science Center (Geopark information point) with its unique geo-relief of the Swabian Alb, the Wental (Geopoint) with its sea of rocks, which, due to its length, belongs to the district of Heidenheim and the Ostalbkreis, as well as the border to the neighbouring UNESCO Geopark Ries, where we were warmly welcomed by the managing director. - Our work is done! Now there is only one thing left to do, and you can give us your strong support: Keep your fingers crossed!


  • Donauversickerung2Bohnacker v3
    fielddays for UNESCO re-certification
  • HohleFelsRuckh
    Besuch im Hohle Fels
  • Therme BeurenEschment
    Kneippen in der Panorama Therme Beuren
  • FLM BeurenEnkelmannjpg
    Bodenlehrpfad-Stele im Freilichtmuseum Beuren
  • FLM Beuren GruppeEnkelmann
    Gruppenfoto im Freilichtmuseum Beuren
  • BadSebWalz
    Schwefelquellen Bad Sebastiansweiler
  • BadSebBohnacker
    Geologie mit allen Sinnen: Schwefelwasserverkostung in Bad Sebastiansweiler
  • SonnenlugerschuleGoesta Hofmann
    Besuch an der Sonnenlugerschule Mengen
  • DonauversickerungBohnacker
    Begrüßung an der Donauversickerung Immendingen
  • HdNBeuronBohnacker
    Haus der Natur, Beuron
  • Erratischer BlockBohnacker
    Besuch beim Geopoint Erratischer Block, Laiz
  • explorhinoBohnacker
    Staunen im explorhino in Aalen
  • NeresheimBohnacker
    Neresheim: an der Grenze zweier UNESCO Geoparks