Danube seepage: New geopoint in the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb
The Danube seepage in the Donaubergland is now the 38th Geopoint of the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb. This globally unique geological phenomenon will now become part of the Geopark's educational program, which aims to familiarize visitors with the geological features of the region.
The Danube seepage is fascinating due to its rarity, in which the water of the Danube seeps away at various points and emerges again in the Aachtopf, Germany's largest spring, around 12 kilometers away. From there it does not flow into the Black Sea, but via the Rhine into the North Sea. The river bed remains dry for almost 200 days a year – a phenomenon that is likely to be exacerbated by climate change.
At the official presentation of the Geopoint plaque, Tuttlingen District Administrator Stefan Bär thanked those involved in the project for their successful work. Walter Knittel, Managing Director of Donaubergland GmbH, emphasized the importance of the Danube seepage as a tourist highlight of the Swabian Alb: “It is not only a natural wonder, but also a unique selling point of the region.”
Bei der offiziellen Übergabe der Geopoint-Plakette dankte der Tuttlinger Landrat Stefan Bär den Projektbeteiligten für ihre erfolgreiche Arbeit. Walter Knittel, Geschäftsführer der Donaubergland GmbH, betonte die Bedeutung der Donauversickerung als touristisches Highlight der Schwäbischen Alb: „Sie ist nicht nur ein Naturwunder, sondern auch ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Region.“