12 Mar 2025

New signs make the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb more visible

The UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb is now even more visible in the Ostalbkreis district: Two new information signs - one on the B29 federal road near the Aalen-Wasseralfingen junction and the other on the L1165 state road between Wental and Bartholomä - highlight the geological uniqueness of the region. The ceremonial inauguration of the Wental Felsenmeer information board took place in bright sunshine in the presence of District Administrator Dr Joachim Bläse and representatives from politics, tourism and science.

Raising awareness of geology

District Administrator Dr Joachim Bläse, Deputy Chairman of the UNESCO Geopark, emphasised the importance of the new signs: ‘During the UNESCO recertification of our Geopark, a juror from Finland asked why we don't make it more visible that our district is part of the UNESCO Geopark. This question made me think.’ This makes it all the more important to sensitise people to the uniqueness of their region. As the Swabian Alb Geopark extends across ten districts, identification with this large-scale area is not a matter of course.

Geopark board member Ulrich Ruckh emphasised that despite the UNESCO award, there is still room for improvement in terms of public awareness: ‘20 percent of our federal state is part of the Geopark, but only a few people know that.’ The aim of the Geopark is therefore to provide education for sustainable development, for example in the Geopark schools, and to promote understanding of the geological uniqueness and protection of this landscape.

A role model for other districts

With the new signs, the Ostalbkreis district is sending out a strong signal in favour of the Geopark. In addition to the Felsenmeer Wental, another sign for the ‘Tiefer Stollen’ has been installed. ‘Our partner districts are invited to follow this example,’ says Bläse. Wolfgang Hofer, Mayor of Essingen, also praised the initiative: ‘We have many geological features in the Wental and Tauchenweiler. These signs help to raise awareness of the Geopark.’

The new boards are an important step towards improving the visibility of the UNESCO Geopark, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Now it is up to the other districts to follow this example and make the geological uniqueness of the Swabian Alb even better known.


  • GeoparkSchild OAK web1
    Ceremonial unveiling of the tourist information boards: representatives from politics, tourism and the transport infrastructure division in the Ostalbkreis district jointly set an example for the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb.
  • GeoparkSchild OAK web3
    The two signs identifying the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb are located on the B29 federal road at the Aalen-Wasseralfingen junction and on the L1165 state road between Wental and Bartholomä.
  • GeoparkSchild OAK web3 v2
    The two signs identifying the UNESCO Global Geopark Swabian Alb are located on the B29 federal road at the Aalen-Wasseralfingen junction and on the L1165 state road between Wental and Bartholomä.